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contoh kalimat in the hole

"in the hole" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • "Yes" to Lucifer, then jump in the hole.
    "Ya" ke Lucifer, lalu lompat ke dalam lubangnya.
  • Or I shove Sam right back in the hole.
    Atau kulempar Sam kembali ke lubang itu.
  • He said you were his ace in the hole.
    Dia bilang kau adalah as didalam lubang
  • Your damages have put you in the hole.
    Kerusakan Anda telah menempatkan Anda dalam lubang.
  • I'm in the hole, I pay him two grand.
    Aku bangkrut, tapi kubayar dia 2 ribu dolar.
  • Okay, I'm stuck in the hole doing customer service.
    Oke, aku terjebak dalam lubang melakukan layanan pelanggan.
  • What, you'll toss me back in the hole?
    Apa, kamu akan melemparku kembali ke neraka?
  • Romeo's got an ace in the hole for you.
    Romeo punya kartu As untuk kalian.
  • Probably get thrown in the hole for that.
    Mungkin kau dilempar ke lubang karena itu.
  • The wife is our ace in the hole.
    istri itu kita ace di dalam lubang.
  • They kept it for three weeks in the holes.
    Kami telah mengawasi tempat ini selama tiga minggu.
  • You gotta get close, like literally almost in the hole.
    Kau harus mendekati lubang itu.
  • I am not going in the hole again.
    Aku tak mau masuk lubang itu lagi.,..
  • Come on, I've been in the hole for three weeks.
    Ayolah, aku sudah diasingkan selama tiga minggu.
  • To place it in the hole above your head.
    Untuk ditaruh pada lubang diatas kepalamu.
  • She fell down, down down deep in the hole.
    Dia terjatuh jauh ke dalam lubang.
  • Maybe you'd enjoy a little time in the hole.
    Mungkin kau akan menikmati sedikit waktumu di lubang.
  • Probably just a little too much time in the hole.
    Mungkin sedikit terlalu sering di dalam lubang.
  • We have an ace in the hole, Mr Sackler.
    Kita punya kartu as, Tn Sackler.
  • You need to sit in the hole before I can
    Kau harus duduk di lubang sebelum aku..
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